White Lady


The beguiling beauty that is the White Lady.

There are two equally impressive origin stories for the White Lady. The first being that is was created in 1929 by Harry MacElhone, the famed barman behind the eponymous Harry's New York Bar in Paris.

However the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel in London claim that the White Lady was first created there by Harry Craddock, author of the essential 1930's 'The Savoy Cocktail Book'. It is said that Zelda Fitzgerald (wife of F. Scott) was drinking at the Savoy and Craddock named the White Lady after her platinum blond hair.

Whichever story is true, if either, it is an exceptional cocktail and almost 100 years later they are still going strong.

I used Diffords recipe and I urge you to try this at home, you won't regret it!

1 ½ oz London Dry Gin

¾ oz Triple Sec

¾ oz Lemon Juice

⅓ oz Sugar Syrup

½ oz Egg White

The mixing of this is a bit unusual, Shake vigorously with ice and then strain back into the shaker, discard the ice and shake again (known as a dry shake).

Fine strain back into a glass and garnish with a lemon twist.

This is going to impress anyone and you will not regret the extra effort one bit!




Flying Grasshopper