SEASon 4
Other things happen

Ep 200 - Season 4 Finale
Ep 200 is here! To mark the end of season 4, Nick and Sinead share their highlights from the last 2 seasons and read listeners' thoughts on the funniest moments, scariest cases, silliest criminals and the greatest poison of them all.
The secret ingredient is...everything!

Ep 199 - The Great Fire of London
Ep 199 is loose, and we're talking about all the crimes and misdemeanors that occurred during The Great Fire of London!
Who or what started the fire? How much of what we know of the blaze is true? And what cheese would you save in a disaster?
The secret ingredient is...a biscuit!

Ep 198 - The Legend of Blackbeard
Ep 198 is loose! And it’s another swashbuckling tale of possibly the most fearsome pirate of them all…Blackbeard!
Who was Edward Teach? How long was his reign on the high seas? And what ARE sea-going folk called?
The secret ingredient is…cannon!

Ep 197 - Sir Isaac Newton & The Cunning Counterfeiter
Ep 197 is loose and this week we have a historic battle of the minds and money in the madcap tale of William Chaloner.
Who was this cocky young criminal? Why did he get under Isaac Newton's wig? And what do your watches come with?
The secret ingredient is... The Royal Mint!

Ep 196 - Reverend Hinshaw, The Blood-Soaked Preacher
Ep 196 is loose and we have a juicy crime story from a small town in Indiana, where a preacher's home lies in ruin after a mystery attack.
What happened to William Hinsaw's wife? Who was Miss F? And is there a sexier detective than the one we encountered this week?
The secret ingredient is...a pistol

Ep 195 - The Biggadike Plot & Josephine's Dying Daddy
Ep 195 is loose! And we have two good old fashioned poisoning cases for you to devour, both featuring our good friend rat poison.
What happened in the Biggadike household? Why did Josephine Bouvier want her daddy dead? And what colour do you like your rodents?
The secret ingredient is...rats!!

Ep 194 - The Two Lives of William Brodie
Ep 194 is loose! And we're off to fair Scotland to tell the tale of Deacon Brodie, an upstanding member of Edinburgh society with a lot of secrets.
Who was this man of cabinets? What did he do after dark? And are shoemakers the best gang members?
The secret ingredient is...taxes!

Ep 193 - Josie Mansfield & The Scandal of New York
Ep 193 is loose and we're off to Manhattan to tell the tale of the delicious Josie Mansfield, whose beauty drove men to kill...
Who was Josie? How did she end up as one of the most lavish ladies in New York? And what would YOUR price be to marry for money?
The secret ingredient is...New York City!

EP 192 - The Lies of The Great Eleven
Ep 192 is loose! And this week we're looking into the prophecies of the (big breath) The Divine Order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven, also known as the Blackburn Cult.
Who were leaders May and Ruth? What secrets did they hold? And what happened to people who got sick in their midst?
The secret ingredient is...an angel!

Ep 191 - Rattlesnake James & His Poor Wives
Ep 191 is loose and we're off to the 1930s to tell the story of Robert James, who loved wives and loved life insurance.
What happened to his past loves? What was wrong with his car? And where do YOU buy your snakes?
The secret ingredient is a rattlesnake!

Ep 190 - Fredericka Mandelbaum, Queen of the Fences
Ep 190 is loose! And we're back in gang territory to tell the tale of a girl boss who had New York in the palm of her hand.
Who was Fredericka Mandelbaum? How did she build her criminal empire? And do you have an onion handkerchief?
The secret ingredient is...silk!

Ep 189 - The Elizabethans & The Death of Amy Robsart
Ep 189 is loose! And we're heading to the Elizabethan era to look into the mysterious death of Amy Robsart, love rival to Good Queen Bess herself...
Why did the Elizabethans love true crime? Did Amy fall, jump or was she pushed? And should any of us be on a horse?
The secret ingredient is...a staircase

Ep 188 - The Many Crimes of The Forty Elephants
Ep 188 is loose and we're off to the streets of London to tell the tale of a gang. A gang...of WOMEN!
Who were The 40 Elephants? What tactics did they use to get rich quick? And what do women do when shopping alone?
The secret ingredient is...an elephant!

Ep 187 - The Pirate Queens Anne Bonny & Mary Read
Ep 187 is loose! And we're telling swashbuckling tales of famous pirates, including the terrifying trio Anne Bonny, Mary Read and Calico Jack.
How does a woman become a pirate in a man's world? Where do you hide your delicates? And do you have a special spoon?
The secret ingredient is...pirates!

Ep 186 - Urban Stanger & The Mysterious Meat Pies
Ep 186 is loose, and we're off to dear old Victorian England to talk of the mysterious disappearance of master baker Urban Stanger...
Who was Urban and his bitter friend Franz? What happened at his happy little bakery? And what songs do you think the Prussian army sang?
The secret ingredient is...a pie!

Ep 185 Christmas Special - The Santa Claus Bank Robbery
It is our Christmas special where we tell a festive story and drink several cocktails in honour of the season!
This week, we have the story of the time Santa tried to rob a bank and sparked a huge man hunt across Texas.
Why did Santa need money? Will the children ever recovered from the shock? And how many dragons do you need to guard a bank?
The secret ingredient is...Santa Claus!

Ep 184 - What happened to the Sodder children?
Ep 184 is loose and this week we have the tragic, dark story of the Sodder family fire.
What happened at the Sodder household one Christmas Eve? Was this an accident or a planned attack? And do you know of the box monster?
The secret ingredient is...fire!

Ep 183 - Mastering The Great Art Heists
Ep 183 is loose, Nick is back and we're delving into some of the great art thefts of the ages!
Who stole the Mona Lisa? Why did people covet one particular alter piece? And what do you think Munch was screaming about?
The secret ingredient is...a scream!

Ep 182 - The Affair of the Diamond Necklace
Ep 182 is loose...and things are a little different this week!
We have the scandalous tale of a diamond necklace that brought down Queen Marie Antoinette, and Sinead is joined by podcasting queen Emma Ozenbrook as poor Nick is unwell!
What made this necklace so important? What do you really know about dear Marie? And how many Les Mis songs can Emma fit into this show?
The secret ingredient is…a diamond

EP 181 - Jerome Caminada, The Sherlock Holmes of Manchester
Ep 181 is loose! And we are telling the story of famed policeman Jerome Caminada who fought crime with style and flair.
What drove him to clean up the streets of Manchester? How did he come up with his disguises? And is stealing sheet music the greatest poison of them all?