The Revolver


This one has potential, but I think the artificial coffee we had to hand let it down. I am investing in a bottle of decent coffee liqueur and trying this again and I think the results will be much improved.
Saying that though, we both finished ours without too much fuss!

2oz Bourbon
½ oz Coffee Liqueur
2 dash Orange Bitters

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled glass. With so few ingredients there really is no where to hide, I should have known better, but with the chance to try a new bourbon beverage I couldn’t resist!

You can add a drop of sugar to suit your taste, this will very much depend on your coffee liqueur of choice, something like Kahlua is very sweet anyway, others like Mr Black are considerably dryer so a extra bit of sweetness would likely go down a treat.


The lion and the Lamb


The Hot Lips