The Pirate Queen


It’s the Pirate Queen and her Lego pirate ship!

1 oz Golden Rum
1 oz Genever (could use gin at a pinch)
¾ oz Lemon Juice
⅙ oz Sugar Syrup
⅙ oz Honey Syrup
⅙ oz Ginger Syrup
⅙ oz Cinnamon Syrup
1 dash Peychauds Bitters

Shake everything with ice a strain into you most piratey of goblets. Garnish with a tiny parrot

Not much to say about this really, it’s great go and make it. We both really enjoyed this, it’s delightfully warming and oddly fruity.
Would be great to mix up a batch for a few friends, but it is strong so don’t get too carried away!


Archibald’s Last Memory
