Shark Bite


Sinead was a tad excited by this weeks secret ingredient and cocktail, she does have a scary obsession with sharks and this weeks Shark Bite went down a treat!

Despite the rather gimmicky presentation this is a dam tasty drink and perfect for your up coming Halloween party.

¾ oz Spiced Rum

¾ oz Light Rum

½ oz Blue Curacao

½ oz Lime Juice

¼ oz Sugar Syrup

Grenadine for dropping

You need to fill your glass with crushed ice so prepare that before you start shaking, so whether it’s a bag & hammer or blender get that done first.

Shake all your ingredients with more ice until chilled and strain over the top of your crushed ice. You want to leave a bit of ice poking out the surface if you can as it’ll give the blood something to cling on too. Carefully drop grenadine syrup over your ice to create swirls of blood in your nice blue drink.

You can make this without the crushed ice, it’ll taste just as good but the grenadine will likely dilute pretty quickly and you won’t get such a dramatic look.


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