Margarita Jelly


I had such high hopes that I was going to create a new culinary marvel! But perhaps not, it turns out my gelatine experimentation didn’t quite go to plan.

Next time, and oh yes there will be a next time, more gelatine, I want my cocktail jellies firm enough to bounce.

To make my tray of misshaped blobs I used quantities for 3 margaritas, which in total makes up around 9oz of liquid from the Tequila, Cointreau & Lime.
When you shake a drink you add about 25% water from the dilution of the ice so I added 2¼ oz of water to make up for the missed shaking.

Using this combined volume of liquid i added 2 sheets of gelatine, though powder would probably have been easier, either way I didn’t add enough.
I had to give everything a gentle warming to encourage the gelatine to dissolve which I did by swirling my tin in a pan of warm water.

Once everything was dissolved and thoroughly mixed I poured the now gelatine infused cocktail into a silicone mould and left to set in the fridge over night.

As you can see the result was disappointing…. No master chef title in my future I think.

I do think this has legs, it just requires a lot more experimentation I think next time test-tubes and Bunsen burners will be required.


The especial day


Shark Bite