Mink Coat, No Knickers


The best was definitely saved till last, the Mink Coat & No Knickers. This was the perfect combo for Sinead & I. Chartreuse & Tequila, brilliant.

½ oz Green Chartreuse

½ oz Tequila

Chuck the Chartreuse in the freezer for an hour before making as it needs to chill and thicken up so it’ll layer nicely in the glass.

Start with the frozen chartreuse first, then gently pout the tequila in so it floats on top.

You need to drink this before the Chartreuse warms up to much. Down in one!

It’s amazing, I haven’t done shots in at least 10 years, and I’d happily do this again right now!


La Tour Eiffel


The Lion, The Witch, & THE Wardrobe