La Tour Eiffel


Spirit forward doesn’t begin to cover it, this will melt your brain.

But…….. once you pick yourself up off the floor La Tour Eiffel is quite lovely.

2oz Cognac

½ oz Triple Sec

½ oz Suze

Dash Absinthe

Stir everything with a ton of ice until bitterly cold and strain into a sturdy glass that can contain the punchiest of drinks.

This is not for the faint hearted or one to start a evening partying with. This is a 2am putting the world to rights in a fancy leather bound wing chair kind of drink, especially if you don’t have to be anywhere for 2 or 3 days after.

I appreciate that Suze is not something that appears in most peoples drinks cupboard and I probably wouldn’t go out and buy a bottle unless you are like me and have a masochistic streak for horribly bitter drinks!


Eye Opener


Mink Coat, No Knickers