Milk Bumbo


Who’d have thunk it, it’s good!

The history of the bumbo is entirely random and it’s fully approve of its pirate history. While there is no definitive recipe we know what was in it.

The milk bumbo is a bit more elusive, I found it in the recounting of this story, but no amount of googling revealed anything further, maybe it was exclusive to the Shepherd & Crook and the landlady there was running a monopoly that died with her. But give this one ago, it’s really nice!

2oz Aged Dark Rum

2oz Milk

1oz Cinnamon Syrup

Give everything a good shake and strain over rocks. Then comes the important bit, grate a monumental amount of nutmeg over the top. When you think you’ve grated enough grate some more!

It benefits from a stir before sipping, otherwise it is a bit sandy, but it’s great! I was so scared this was going to be dreadful but it’s so nice, and far too easy to drink!


The Marigny


The Opening Act