Clarified Jungle Bird


We have started Season 2 with a most exciting cocktail! Weeks of experimentation and small explosions have resulted in the Clarified Jungle Bird. (huzzuh huzzuh).⠀

So as you’ll know if you’ve listened to this week’s episode, this takes a bit of prep! Make it now for an excellent Saturday evening drink!⠀

The time this one takes I really think that it is worth making a batch of this beauty and once it’s clarified and bottled it will keep for a good week or two (as if that’s going to happen!).⠀
I tripled the quantities shown and it provided a good 5-6 cocktails.⠀

1 ½ oz Dark Rum⠀
1 ½ oz Pineapple⠀
¾ oz Campari⠀
½ oz Demerara Syrup⠀
½ oz Lime⠀
1 ½ oz Whole Milk⠀

Mix the first 5 ingredients in a jug, in a separate container add your milk. Slowly poor the cocktail mix into the milk, you have to pour cocktail into the milk, it won’t work the other way around.

As soon as the mix hits the milk you’ll notice it start to curdle, give it a gentle stir and leave it to do its thing. I left mine for 2-3 hours and was faced with the monstrous pink sludge that you see in the pics, but don’t give up! ⠀

Pour your curdly mess gently through a lined funnel into a bottle, I used muslin, but a coffee filter or clean tea towel would do the trick. It’s not the muslin that doing the filtering, but the layer of curds that is getting left behind. Leave for 5 minutes and you’ll notice that the first liquid that comes through is quite cloudy as the curds haven’t had the chance to settle, pour these back into your filter and let it all drip through, this can take quite some time, 4-5 hours and once it’s all filters through strain it again, pour it very gently back through your curd filter. This 2nd or even 3rd pass will result in the most crystal clear drink.⠀

Once your happy, bottle and store in the fridge.⠀

To serve either pour over a chunk or ice into a rocks glass, or stir with ice and strain into a nick & nora. You don’t want too much dilution with this one and it should be cold from the fridge anyway.⠀

Impress you’re friends and look incredibly fancy when you whip out a pre-bottle of this of an evening, you shall be the talk of the town!


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