Moscow Mule


A delightfully scrumptious classic this week, the splendidly coppery Moscow Mule.⠀

Well done to those who guessed!⠀

The copper mug is very much optional, but if you’re a fan of the drink I would very much recommend a set, they aren’t too pricey and definitely look fab!⠀

2oz Vodka⠀
½oz Lime juice⠀
⅓oz Simple syrup⠀
3-4oz Ginger beer⠀

Fill your mug/glass with ice and add the vodka, lime & syrup and give everything a good stir.⠀

Top up with ginger beer and finish with crushed ice and a few mint leaves.⠀

This is a great drink & not as boozy as our usual offerings, which means you can drink twice as many!


Man O’ War


Clarified Jungle Bird