What The Hell


We were mixed on this one, I wasn’t a fan, Sinead was quite happy with it, though that may have been a result of the Egg Nog & London Calling than the qualities of the drink.

2oz Gin

1oz Apricot Brandy

¾oz Dry Vermouth

¼oz Lime Juice

⅙oz Sugar Syrup

Everything a nice shake with ice. These are the proportions I followed, but if I were you I’d drop the Apricot Brandy to ¾oz or even ½oz I found it a bit over powering.

So let us know what you’re drinking over the festive period. I am sure there will be many cocktails created by what ever is left in the back of the cupboard and we want to know all about them!

Thank you to all of you for another year of listening to our often drunken ramblings.

Here to more murdery weirdness in 2022!


The Greta Garbo


London Calling