The North Sea Oil


This one really threw us, it doesn’t look particularly oily, but it does have a thick slight viscous feel. I still don’t know if I actually liked it or not, it’s weird!

1 ½ oz Linie Aquavit / Mentzendorff Kummel
¾ oz Americano Bianco
½ oz Peated Scotch Whisky
¼ oz Triple Sec

Oh it’s so very strange, whatever you think it’s going to taste of, it doesn’t - It’s so much sweeter than I had anticipated.

I really don’t know what to say about this one, listen to the episode and you’ll get a sense of our confusion! It’s not unpleasant, it’s not great, to be honest I doubt it’ll become a regular tipple at the weekend!


The Missionary’s Downfall


The Caipirinha