Saffron Rising


Oh it’s the yellowest thing that ever yellowed!

Positively neon in its outlook, this week we have the blinding Saffron Rising.

Sinead wasn’t convinced initially and took umbrage with the name, but thankfully the yellowy magnificence persuaded her otherwise.

2oz Saffron Gin

½oz Triple Sec

½oz Limoncello

1oz Lemon Juice

¼oz Sugar Syrup

2 dashes Orange Bitters

Shake everything with ice, strain, and behold.

This is a very nice drink. Does the saffron add anything to the flavour? I fear not, the subtle flavour of the saffron is obliterated by gin, lemon and Orange (it probably doesn’t need the limoncello either really)

- but the saffron is definitely worth the addition for the colour alone.

You can buy saffron gin, but I guarantee it will be overpriced. Take ½ a bottle of gin, add 5 or 6 strands of saffron and leave it for a few days and you’ll have a beautifully coloured gin to impress all your friends with!


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