JFK Harris


We were both dubious about a red wine cocktail, but this is an absolute winner.

2 oz White Rum

¾ oz Lemon Juice

¾ oz Sugar Syrup

8-10 mint leaves

Red wine, floated on top (approx. ¼ oz)

Give the Rum, Syrup, Lemon & Mint leaves a good smash together in the tin then add your ice and shake well.

Strain into a glass and then carefully float the red wine on top, try pouring it gently over the back of a spoon so the wine spreads out rather than mixes in.

What might seem like a lot of sugar is nicely balanced by the equal lemon and I think creates the difference in density that allows the wine to float & create the distinct layer.

It is beautiful to drink and so simple! Hugely recommended by both of us!


Darkness At The Edge Of Town


Pumpkin Smash