Fire & Brimstone


A very apt name for a drink that came close to melting my face. I have to say the chilli in this massively overwhelmed the smokeyness from the Mezcal that I was hoping would come through for Sineads secret ingredient, next time definitely less chilli!

I used 2 small red chilli’s (as the recipe below dictates, but in future I would go with just the one. Chilli heat is certainly subjective, so perhaps my tastebuds are a tad to delicate!

2 small red chilli’s, chopped & deseeded

1 ½oz Mezcal

½oz Triple Sec

⅔oz Lemon Juice

2 dashes Orange Bitters

¼oz Agave Syrup

Muddle your chilli with the rest of the ingredients, you want to give everything a good squish to get a bit of the heat out. Add your ice and give everything a good shake.

You definitely need a fine strainer with this one, you really don’t want to be chewing on a mouthful of chilli bits with your drink!

For my personal taste, with less chilli this would be fab and give a nice tingly heat. However as it is it obliterates everything in its path, including tastebuds!




The duchess