Death And Taxes


As Ben Franklin wrote, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes". That and that this week’s cocktail will knock you on your arse.

1 oz Blended Scotch
1 oz Gin
¾ oz Red Vermouth (something punchy like Punt E Mes)
¼ oz Grand Marnier
2 dashes Orange Bitters

Give everything a good stir with plenty of ice and strain into a classic nick & nora glass.

It’s good, it packs a punch but it’s really good! It’s not a party drink and I don’t imagine you’ll want more than one, but to end an evening with a cocktail and choice cigar this is definitely one for the list. (I’m guessing here, I’ve never had a choice cigar in my life but I think it conjures a good image of leather wingback chairs and delightful whisky based civility.)


Yellow Rat


The Manhattan