chocolate Sazerac


2 weeks in a row! Another splendid cocktail. So much so that Sinead & I are sitting here on Friday evening having another!

Firstly prepare your glass with a few cubes of ice, ½ oz of Absinthe topped up with water. This is going to give you a nice subtle hint of Absinthe without it being over powering.

Mix the rest of your ingredients in a mixing glass over ice.

2 oz Bourbon

½ oz Crème de Cacao Blanc

¼ oz Sugar Syrup

2 dash Paychauds Bitters

Give everything a good stir to chill down.

Empty your absinthy glass, if your feeling bold pour the diluted absinthe into a shot glass to sever alongside, otherwise down the sink it goes.

Strain your chocolatey bourbon into your absinthe coated glass. No ice to serve with this one, straight up and about as spirit forward as you can get.

On our round this evening I’ve split the bitters into peychauds and also chocolate bitters and it really does bring out the chocolatey lovelyness without making it too sweet.

This is a great one, sometimes the variations on the classics go disastrously wrong, definitely not so I this case.

We shall be having many more for sure!


feather dusta crusta


The Flying Scotsman