Season 1

It’s all about the poison!

Ep 33 - John Tawell & The Troublesome Telegraph
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 33 - John Tawell & The Troublesome Telegraph

We're crossing continents this week as we tell the tale of John Tawell, a man who couldn't keep his secret family secret forever...

Why was John such a bad Quaker? What role did the telegraph play in his arrest? And is Slough as bad as Sinead keeps making out it is?

The secret ingredient!

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Ep 32 - Lydia Sherman, The Impatient Wife
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 32 - Lydia Sherman, The Impatient Wife

We're off to New Jersey this week, as Nick tells the tale of serial killer Lydia Sherman who did away with numerous husbands and infants in the 1800s.

Was she a psychopath or simply lazy? What drove her to marry so many widowers? And what was her secret to getting cows extra shiny?

This week's secret ingredient is...brandy!

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Ep 31 - Tillie Klimek & The Nasty Knitting
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 31 - Tillie Klimek & The Nasty Knitting

It's the 1910s and we're off to that hotbed of crime Chicago to hear the marvellously mad tale of Tillie Klimek. Some say she had Second Sight and could predict the deaths of those around her. Others think there was a far more rational explanation...

Did she really do away with all of her husbands? Was she punished for simply not being a pretty murderess? And how do you like to taunt your loved ones?

This week's secret ingredient is...candy!

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Ep 30 - The Affair of the Poisons
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 30 - The Affair of the Poisons

Multiple poisons and witchcraft abound this week, as we celebrate hitting 30 episodes with the conclusion of Nick's European poisoning trilogy - the famous Affair of the Poisons.

Was the poisoning hysteria in 17th century Paris justified? How much do you know about the different methods of fortune telling? And is using a Black Mass to get a royal shag a bit much?

This week's secret ingredient is...blood!

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Ep 29 - Martha Needle, The Richmond Poisoner
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 29 - Martha Needle, The Richmond Poisoner

Sinead takes us down under this week to tell the tale of one of Australia's most notorious serial killers, Martha Needle.

Was Martha beset by tragedy her whole life? Or did she enjoy the attention death afforded her? And will Sinead ever recover from this week's cocktail?

This week's secret ingredient is...milk

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Ep 28 - Elizabeth Ridgeway & The Caustic Confessions
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 28 - Elizabeth Ridgeway & The Caustic Confessions

We're racing back to the 15th Century to tell the tale of Elizabeth Ridgeway. Elizabeth wasn't a fan of the church. Or husbands. Or people who stood in her way. Were her crimes embellished by an over-zealous clergyman? Was she truly a mistress of white mercury? And how many hats will it take to keep Nick happy?

This week's secret ingredient is...violet!

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Bonus Episode - Expert Witness: Carla Valentine
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Bonus Episode - Expert Witness: Carla Valentine

A special bonus episode for you featuring the delectable Carla Valentine, a bona fide qualified Anatomical Pathology Technician, author and founder of Morticulture.

Join us as we chat about detecting poisons in corpses, the life of a mortician, deadly plants and even deadlier cocktails.

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Ep 27 - Belle Gunness & Murder At The Farm.
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 27 - Belle Gunness & Murder At The Farm.

Poison comes with a side order of axe murder in this week's gruesome tale, as we visit Belle Gunness' hog farm and find out what's buried in the back yard.

How many people did this not-so-gentle giant slay, is she still on the loose, and what the hell kind of accent is Sinead trying to do here?

The secret ingredient is...bacon!

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Ep 26 - Amy Archer-Gilligan & Deadly Care
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 26 - Amy Archer-Gilligan & Deadly Care

It's episode 26 and we are off to Sister Amy's home for the elderly and infirmed, where you might just be killed with kindness...

How many people did Amy really kill? Were those home-cooked meals as wholesome as she made out? And why is Nick so scared of her giant bow?

This week secret ingredient is...apples!

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Ep 25 - Dr Crippen & The Body In The Cellar
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 25 - Dr Crippen & The Body In The Cellar

The poster boy of poisoners, it's Dr Hawley Harvey Crippen! One of the most famous killers of all time, his name is synonymous with murder by poison yet his case remains chillingly puzzling...

Was Crippen really guilty of killing his loud-and-proud actress wife? What possible reason was there to dismember the body in such a bizarre way? And how long is appropriate before you start wearing a dead woman's jewels?

This week's secret ingredient was...a bell!

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Ep 24 - Nannie Doss & The Lonely Hearts
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 24 - Nannie Doss & The Lonely Hearts

Life is never how the romance novels make it out to be... This week we're exploring the chilling story of Nannie Doss, the Gigging Granny and Lonely Hearts Killer.

Was she a hopeless romantic or a murderous monster? Would you kill someone who wouldn't let you watch your stories? And why no good can come from eating prune cake...

This week's secret ingredient is...rose

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Ep 23 - Daisy de Melker & The Poisoned Plumbers
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 23 - Daisy de Melker & The Poisoned Plumbers

This week we travel to gorgeous South Africa to look at the country's first female serial killer, Daisy de Melker who did away with at least two husbands during her lifetime...

Did an early heartbreak set her on a murderous path? Did greed drive her insane? And why did she find plumbers so very sexy?

This week's secret ingredient is...salt

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Ep 22 - Marie Lafarge & The Marsh Test
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 22 - Marie Lafarge & The Marsh Test

Nick continues the top toxicology work of episode 8 as he tells the tale of the first person convicted of murder due to forensic toxicological evidence!

Did Marie Lafarge really murder her coarse husband with arsenic? Was she a much maligned soul or a money-hungry villain? And why God WHY couldn't we have used orange blossom this week?!

This week's secret ingredient is...Francois Annibal D'Estrees

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Ep 21 - Mary Blandy & The Gruelling Mistake
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 21 - Mary Blandy & The Gruelling Mistake

This week we discuss the case of Mary Blandy, whose ghost haunts the streets of Henley on Thames and Oxford.

Was this educated young woman really guilty of murdering her father, or was she led astray? Why did she think love potions would help her cause? And is oat milk the new gruel?

This week's secret ingredient is...gruel.

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Ep 20 - Mike Malloy & The Terrible Thirst
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 20 - Mike Malloy & The Terrible Thirst

It's episode 20 and we're out to prove what doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger...

This week, we're exploring the impossible tale of Mike 'The Durable' Malloy, a modern day Rasputin who survived multiple murder attempts thanks to his iron constitution.

What interest did The Murder Trust have in this poor Irish immigrant? Why was he so fond of sardine sandwiches? And is alcohol the greatest poison of them all?

This week's secret ingredient is...whiskey.

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Ep 19 - Arthur, The Marquis & A Little Spanish Fly
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 19 - Arthur, The Marquis & A Little Spanish Fly

Those easily shocked, look away now! For this week we dive into the debauched and deadly world of aphrodisiacs, with not one but two stories of how Spanish Fly wrecked havoc amongst the horny.

What was an office manager doing playing with Cantharidin in the 1950s? How is the Marquis De Sade involved? And do you like getting caught in the rain?

This week's secret ingredient is...coconut

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Ep 18 - Jolly Jane & The Last Embrace
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 18 - Jolly Jane & The Last Embrace

Jane Toppan had one ambition in life: "To have killed more people - helpless people—than any other man or woman who ever lived".

We take a look at this deadly nurse who poisoned her way around Massachusetts and ask how she escaped detection, why were her loved ones her desired victims, and can you revive a corpse with a cocktail?

This week's secret ingredient is....aniseed balls

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Ep 17 - Thomas Griffiths Wainewright & The Artist's Lament
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 17 - Thomas Griffiths Wainewright & The Artist's Lament

Get ready for celebrity spotting, Regency England style, as we tell the tale of the incredible character that was Thomas Griffiths Wainewright - author, artist and serial killer????

Was this certified Dandy really a cold-blooded killer, were the tales of his poison ring true, and will you ever recover from hearing his outrageous pen names?

This week's secret ingredient!

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Ep 16 - The Angel Makers of Nagyrév
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 16 - The Angel Makers of Nagyrév

This week we escape to the depths of the Hungarian countryside and the small village of Nagyrév, where upwards of 300 people will killed by a group of women known as The Angel Makers

What drove these women to kill their loved ones? Who was the mysterious Mrs Fazekas? And how did a seemingly noble cause for abused women turn into mass murder?

This week's secret ingredient is...paprika!

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Ep 15 - Dr Pritchard and The Beard of Evil
Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet Season 1 The Poisoners Cabinet

Ep 15 - Dr Pritchard and The Beard of Evil

It's a riotous rollercoaster this week as we discuss another deadly doctor from Victorian times, Dr Edward Pritchard who poisoned his wife and mother-in-law for...well we're not really sure why...

Was he really the Lothario he made himself out to be, did any Victorian doctors know what they were doing, and will there ever be a more impressive beard?

The secret ingredient this week is...Champagne!

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