

A very nice cocktail to be sure, but I’m not sure it lives up to the drama of its name.

1 oz Cachaça

1 oz Calvados

½ oz Benadictine

⅙ oz Muscavado Syrup

2 dashes Peychauds Bitters

Store everything with ice and strain into a suitably ironclad ice filled glass.

It was very nice, one of the many many cocktails that we say we’ll make again but probably won’t. For such a good name, and it is a very good name, it deserves to be much punchier, rather than the delightful light and fruity drink it is.

Do make if you can, as I say it is very nice indeed, but deep down I know that when I head to the cabinet this eve I’ll be mixing up a Red Hook or Sazerac instead.


Million Dollar Margarita


The Pocket Watch